Highly-Responsive Managed IT Services, Cloud, Cybersecurity and Compliance Solutions For Businesses in New York City

Our 24 years of knowledge, experience, and tools are at your disposal. We work with you to ensure your use of technology is as innovative and efficient as possible.

Give us a call and let us show you what fast, friendly and highly-responsive outsourced Managed IT services should be for your small to medium business: 212-981-8508

Call Us Today At 212-981-8508

6 Reasons to Choose Noviant to Support Your Computer Network


ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified: Certified as of Oct 26th, 2019, we demonstrated our Information Security Management System comprises of security standards, procedures and guidelines developed in accordance with this certification to protect our clients and our information infrastructure.


Promptness: We are extremely responsive when it comes to our client’s IT issues. We diagnose and troubleshoot the problems in a timely manner to keep downtime to a minimum for our clients. Even when it is after hours and our clients have IT problems, our technicians are there to help and make sure that our client is back up and running in the least amount of time.


Flexibility: We have a wide array of knowledge; we do not just focus on one type of technical problems. We have a team of technicians who vary in skills, combined we make a team of very experienced technicians.


Treated like our only client: We know how Important it is to make sure your computers are running and how important it is for you to work. When we are contacted with an issue from our clients, we are focused on getting you up and running. We will make it seem as if you are our only client although you are not.


Customer Service: Our employees are knowledgeable, friendly, and always willing to help. They are simply a pleasure to deal with. We know that it is not a nice experience to deal with computer problems, but we want to make dealing with us a nice experience.


Highly recommended: Our clients recommend us highly. Between our prompt responsiveness and our amazing customer service, they enjoy working with Noviant to bring them into the next generation IT wise.

See what other business owners are saying about us…

Seamless and Efficient

The single greatest benefit Since moving to VDI and Noviant’s support service has been ease of use for our employees. Not only has the VDI service made working from home seamless and efficient, but the support has always been bar none. We feel like we are Noviant’s only client with the level of support they provide when needed.

Noviant is far more responsive than any other firm I’ve ever worked with. They are also extremely helpful since they know and understand our system so well.

If someone was on the fence about choosing Noviant, I would say look no further than Noviant. The level of care, ease with which they service a system, and ability to lead your company into the next generation of IT is incomparable with Noviant. I would trust no other firm with my company’s security and information.

Kristen Bykowski Executive Assistant to Jeff Kelter and Bob Savage
KSH Capital
New York, NY

Eagerness to Help

Since using Noviant Managed services, the biggest benefit has been calling Noviant team after hours and on the weekend and receiving a prompt response with their eagerness to help!

Flexibility when developing a plan to deploy large projects which we have done in the past, is what Noviant does better than other IT firms.

Go with Noviant, when you need them the most they will be there for you with knowledgeable technicians that will solve your problems.

Juan Mangual Information Technology
Oscar De La Renta
New York, NY

3 Lines of Defense from Cyber Attacks

Since moving to Noviant cybersecurity solution, I feel that cyber security is much less worrisome. I know two companies that got hit with Ransomware. With the 3 lines of defense: Emails scanning, network monitoring, and Managed Endpoint protection services we are extremely well protected.

The difference with Noviant is the employees. They are knowledgeable, friendly and always willing to help. It is simply a pleasure to deal with them.

Go with the reliability of Noviant, they are extremely attentive to their customers requests. Requests for service get handled very quickly. Noviant’s customer serivce is exceptional.

Kent Fuhrmann Manager
Swezey Fuel
Patchogue, NY

Not Ready To Call Us Just Yet?

If so, we would at least like to give you a copy of our recently published report, The Top 10 Ways Hackers Get Around Your Firewall And Anti-Virus To Rob You Blind.

Cybercrime is at an all-time high, and hackers are setting their sights on small and medium businesses who are “low hanging fruit.” Don’t be their next victim! This report reveals the most common ways that hackers get in and how to protect yourself today.

Simply fill out the form here and download your copy today!

The Top 10 Hackers
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